Terms of Service

Please read all the terms carefully since they contain information regarding your legal rights and obligations of using this website. By browsing and using the products from this website, you automatically accept all the terms.

Registration and Account

If you register an account at IGExport, you must do so by providing truthful, accurate, and current personal information to us to the best of your knowledge. You must do so by completing an online form on the Services.

If you contact us directly, we may receive additional information about you such as your name, email, the contents of the message and/or attachments you may send us, and any other information you may choose to provide.

You’re also responsible for updating the information as and when necessary to maintain truthfulness and accuracy.

Account creation also requires creating a password. By signing up for IGExport, you agree to keep your passwords safe, secure, and confidential. We reserve the right to revoke your login credentials if you share your credentials without our consent.

If you suspect any unauthorized usage from your account, you must notify IGExport at the earliest. You are responsible for all activities and transactions made from your account.

IGExport is responsible for informing the users about the data breaches, hacks, and leaks occurring at our end as per Security Breach Notification Laws.

By creating an account, you also agree to:

  • Not undermine or attempt to undermine the security of IGExport in any way.
  • Not misuse, either with or without knowledge, the service offered by IGExport.
  • Not attempt to make unauthorized access to any application, document, or material within the website.
  • Not modify, copy, reproduce, or reverse engineer any part of the website for your own purposes.

Fees and Charges

Some of the features and services at IGExport come with a fee. If you opt to use them, you must pay the required fees. If there’s a subscription fee, you agree to make the payments on a certain cycle, monthly, quarterly or annually.

There are also one-time charges on certain products that are paid once.

Fees and charges are subject to change without notice.

Any change to fees and other charges will not affect the billing for that particular cycle. It’ll only be applicable from the next cycle. If there’s a change in subscription, we are obliged to inform you at least 15 days prior to your next payment cycle.

For collection of payments, you authorize us to collect certain personal and sensitive information and store it in our database.

Although we take great care of the production of this website, the chances of typographical and illustrative errors existing within the website cannot be ignored. We reserve the right to correct these errors at any given point in time. These modifications may affect your payments.

You are responsible for the shipping charges and other national/state/local service taxes that you’re required to pay.

Ownership and Trademarks

All the content available on this website, which includes all information, data, logos, infographics, picture, marks, sounds, videos are referred to as “Content”.

Unless otherwise stated, every content is owned by IGExport and holds copyright over it. These are protected by international copyright laws.

You may not use the content available on this website in any way without our consent.

Other than the contents, every piece of code, applications, and APIs are also the property of IGExport. Reference to any content, application, or information by trademark or by trade name does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by IGExport.

Your License to Your Content

IGExport allows users to create their own content within the website which is collectively known as “User Content" or “User Generated Content”.

User Content is the respective user’s property. IGExport or any of its affiliates do not have ownership over those types of content and hence cannot use them for promotional purposes.

User Content is the user’s responsibility and liability. The user is also required to ensure that the content isn’t violating the terms mentioned here.

Although we are not obliged to do so, the modification, deletion, and restriction of any User Generated Content hosted on our website is at our sole discretion.

IGExport is not responsible for loss or damage to User Content stored on our website. It is the user’s responsibility to keep a backup copy and replace them as and when necessary.

If you’re authorizing third party access to your content, then you also authorize IGExport to supply them the content. IGExport will not be responsible for any damage and modification made thereafter.

We reserve the right to modify the terms at any stage and at any time. The modification is at our sole discretion, and we may not seek approval for modifying your terms. Although we are obliged to inform you about these modifications as and when they’re made.

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